Embarking on the journey of recovery can be a daunting step in life. Despite the initial determination and hope that comes with taking that first leap, one’s resolve may falter over time due to the struggles often faced. However, a certified recovery coach can provide you with the multifaceted support, guidance, compassion and human connection necessary for successful lifelong recovery once treatment concludes. As you navigate your own recovery journey, allow a recovery coach to be your invaluable ally and provide you with the roadmap to life-long recovery. With a combination of dedicated assistance, tangible tools and strategies, a sense of accountability and other benefits, Maximum You Coaching has helped a diverse range of individuals remain solidly on the path of recovery. Beyond this point, you will find four stories of strength, triumph and transformation – reflective of the profound difference Maximum You Coaching Services can have in one’s quest to a substance free life.

Testimonials Personal Stories of Recovery

Adam L.

I had the pleasure of working with Paul (Maximum You Coaching) as a client in 2019 through 2021 throughout the integral baby steps of early recovery from substance use and mental health disorders.  Early recovery can be a difficult and exciting time that is filled with new experiences, difficult transitions, grief, triumphs, pain, love, loss, and personal gains, which can be hard to navigate on your own.  Paul Yearby was the consistent man throughout every transition I had throughout my early recovery and really provided the stability, friendship, leadership, guidance and support I needed during that time in my life.  The last time I went to treatment at River Ridge was the first time that I had the pleasure of working with a Recovery Coach, and it was a game changer for me.  Paul is a genuine, caring, giving, wise and gifted leader that has a GOD given ability to connect with everyone he meets.  Paul Yearby lives a purpose driven life, which provides him with the integrity, passion, and authenticity that people wanting to make changes need in a supportive friend.  If you are looking for support, Paul embodies the helping profession with assets such as friendship, genuine care, consistency, compassion, cultural competency, patience, and person-centered care with the best of them.  I am grateful for my time with Paul in early recovery and feel fortunate to be able to continue to work with him now as a professional and get to call him a friend.

Allie K.

Paul (Maximum You Coaching) has been an absolute blessing in my life. I would not be where I am without him. When I met Paul, I was suffering legally and emotionally from my substance abuse. I had no direction, confidence, or semblance of hope for long term recovery. Since then, Paul has not only explained to me what true recovery looks and feels like, he has shown me through his own actions. Our work together has allowed me to reconsider my beliefs about substance abuse recovery; cope with my emotions in a safe, healthy space; and, most life-changing for me, begin to actually feel like I am worthy of the life I deserve. He has been the voice of constant encouragement and non-judgment that pushes through the noise when I am struggling. I am so endlessly grateful for Paul and the way he has changed my life in ways I could not even fathom. Our sessions together are fun, emotional, powerful, and thought-provoking. I have never met someone who believes in me so unconditionally, and who is so genuine in his passion for helping others. Now, I am almost a year and a half sober. I am in school pursuing the long-term goals I was too afraid to chase. I wake up every day and feel that I am enough. I thank Paul  for all of that. He is an integral part in my ability to believe in and chase my potential.

Christina R.

The minute I met Paul Yearby (Maximum You Coaching) he immediately spoke truths that I had never fully processed until the words came from him. Paul has brought more light, more wisdom, and more truth to my life than I have ever experienced throughout my time in recovery.  Paul has taken the time to walk through the 8 dimensions of wellness that have allowed me to have a balanced and well rounded lifestyle that provides me with the ingredients I need for my life. He’s someone you can fully trust and know that with his life experience and redemption that he will give you honest answers and fully accept you as you are. One of the best decisions I ever made was deciding to enter my recovery and my new life’s journey with Paul Yearby as not only my coach, but my friend.

Jack F.

Paul Yearby (Maximum You Coaching) is a tremendous guy. He combines an absolute command of the theory and practice of recovery with a casual warmth, confidence and an understanding ear. His wisdom is invaluable. I can say with 100p certainty that I would not have achieved my goals for my early recovery nearly as well if I had not been working with Paul. I would recommend his services to anyone who is thinking about leaving dysfunction and madness behind in favor of acceptance, love and a better understanding of the human mind. Change your life for the better and work with Paul today!

Embrace The Healing Process

Testimonials Personal Stories of Recovery

At Maximum You Coaching, years of experience and a deep understanding of the recovery journey – both professionally and personally – have resulted in numerous stories of success. With a commitment to providing compassionate guidance and unwavering support that aligns with your unique desires, needs, and beliefs, long-term recovery is no longer a dream but a reality. Navigate the complexities surrounding the balancing of relationships and the recovery journey in a space where you are enlightened and encouraged by a certified professional who is in long-term recovery themselves. Each individual’s recovery journey looks different, and so too will their healing process but with empathetic, qualified guidance you significantly increase your odds of permanent recovery. Embark on this transformative journey with Maximum You Coaching’s recovery coach and receive the tailored assistance you need and finally get back the freedom you deserve.

If you or a loved one is close to finishing or has completed substance abuse or mental health treatment, Maximum You Coaching can provide continued support. Send an online message for more information or call today to schedule your appointment – both in-person or telephone sessions available.