Transforming You, Transforming Your Life

What I Do

Individual Recovery Support

I know the greatness that’s in you! Being a coach, I desire to give back what has been given to me: FREEDOM! So, I want to offer my services in this way.

It is common knowledge in the recovery community that those who struggle with substance use often relapse due to lack of an ongoing recovery program. This happens primarily because when the word “recovery” is mentioned, we tend to think of 12-step meetings, sponsors, and/or religion.

Although I’m a Christian and these traditional programs have worked for me, it is important that my clients know that their recovery plan must be a mix of tools that work for them. It doesn’t mean that you won’t recover just because you choose not to partake in the programs I mentioned above and I am well-versed in a multitude of support programs and tools.

My proposal to you is that we set up a relationship based on equality, recognizing that YOU are the expert on YOU. I look forward to exploring with you about what recovery is and isn’t based on your particular wants, needs and beliefs. I aim to establish a space where I can enlighten and encourage you through some of my recovery experiences along with my professional training.

Ultimately, I hope that we can build a value-based relationship between us that significantly increases your odds for permanent recovery, after-all, connection is our most powerful resource. If have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact me via email or by phone.

Family-Based Recovery Support

First and foremost, if you are landing on this particular page I want to acknowledge that you are doing and have done the very best you can with what you’ve known. Substance use disorders impact the entire family system and without providing support to those who are often sitting in spaces of hopelessness, paralysis and/or anger (all of which are normal and valid), the likelihood of the individual who is struggling getting well is significantly decreased.

Therefore, whether you are a sibling, parent, friend or co-worker of a person engaging in substance use, not only are you deserving of a space to feel seen, supported and guided, but you actually increase the odds of their recovering well when you engage in your own support. This starts NOW.

Relationship Support

Being in an intimate relationship with someone who has or is currently misusing substances often includes feelings of abandonment, betrayal, lack of importance and feelings of being both not good enough and unloved. With this being said, the impact that substance use has on relationships is often an area that is either overlooked or under supported.

As a Certified Relationship Coach while also being an experienced Recovery Coach, I have the unique capacity to support both individuals and couples navigating complexities such as these in a non-biased, professional, and compassionate way. After-all, if we aren’t caring well for our relationships, we are doomed to fail in the process of recovery. You are SEEN.